Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Wizard Hunters / Martha Wells

The Wizard Hunters (The Fall of Ile-Rien, book 1) by Martha Wells. 443 pp.

Martha Wells, one of my favorite fantasy authors, excels at world-building without info-dumping. In this case Ile-Rien is a fantasy amalgam of France and England, and it's a couple of years into a war with an unknown enemy, the Gardier, who use airships to bomb the cities but never communicate with the people they're attacking--Ile-Rien has no idea what the Gardier want. Tremaine Valiarde is drawn into a last-ditch effort to use sorcery to try to fight the Gardier, and ends up in a completely different world, where Gil & Ilias (the wizard hunters of the title) end up becoming her allies even though the use of sorcery is anathema to them. The worldbuilding is interesting and the characters are great; I particularly love Tremaine, who is prickly and abrupt and clumsy but gets the job done.

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