Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Interior Desecrations: Hideous Homes from the Horrible '70s / James Lileks pages: not enough

Hooray! This guy can write as many books as he wants; I'll read them all. More than just a critique of decor, this is an indictment of an entire decade, and after the first few pages, it seems pretty justified. I tried to explain to my nine-year old just why the photographs were both hilarious and creepy at the same time; he just didn't get it. To him, a shag rug is just a shag rug, but to those of us who lived through those days it means so much more. (You can almost taste the Cheez Whiz and Jello just looking at these pictures.) On a laugh scale, this is a 9.5 to Regrettable Food's 10.0, but it's worth it all the same. Many thanks to Christa for calling it to my attention.

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