Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Five Fists of Science

by Matt Fraction (writer) and Steven Sanders (art); Graphic Novel; 112 pages.

So I was googling Mark Twain yesterday, and came across this image of Twain playing in Nikola Tesla's laboratory. Because apparently they were friends. So of course I went looking for more such images, and instead found a graphic novel about the two of them, which we happened to own (thanks, Cindy!). I really enjoyed the concept of the story (Tesla invents mechs, Twain plans to use them for world peace, and they are confronted by an evil group of sorcerers led by J. P. Morgan, Andrew Carnegie, and Thomas Edison), but the execution was lacking. The first part of the book was wonderful, and I was laughing out loud for much of it. The second half blew it for me, when the art got very dark, and I couldn't distinguish one 19th century mustachioed gentleman from another in a shadowy fight scene.

This was the second time in a month that Tesla has randomly come up in my reading, so I may have to read a bio on him soon.

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