Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The Herring-Seller's Apprentice

The Herring-Seller's Apprentice
 (Ethelred & Elsie #1) by L.C. Tyler 207 pp.

Ethelred Tressider is a hack mystery writer. He authors three different series, none of which sell very well. His agent, Elsie Thirkettle is his busybody, nagging, chocoholic, literary agent who has no interest in Ethelred's novels. The story is told from both points of view with (mostly) alternating chapters. When Ethelred's ex-wife, Geraldine, is murdered not too far from where he is currently living, Elsie jumps on the chance investigate. In spite of her prodding, Ethelred is not interested in pursuing the investigation since he's also been saddled with the job of executor of Geraldine's estate. Soon the police decide she was "done in" by a local serial killer and the case seems closed. The ending twist is unexpected and leaves the story open for the next book.

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