Tuesday, September 3, 2024

On Turpentine Lane

On Turpentine Lane by Elinor Lipman (2017) 305 pages

Faith Frankel is thirty two. She's returned to her hometown after time in NY and now works for a private school, writing thank you notes to donors. Her fiance, Stuart, is attempting to cross the country on foot, financed by her and by his parents, but he spends more time posting photos with himself and women he meets, than returning Faith's calls. In addition to dealing with Stuart, she is trying to buy a house that may have a history of people dying in it, is trying to intercede between her parents (her father has moved away to become an oil painter), and she is trying to save her job, which is suddenly in jeopardy because she is so good at it. Luckily, her brother Joel and her office mate, Nick, are there to listen.

All these rather separate issues take on life. Even the stable guys in Faith's life have their own drama. As the camera rolls, all the action keeps the reader laughing (or catching one's breath). Most of Lipman's books are the kind I reach for when I want a fast, fun escape. This one fit the bill.

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