Wednesday, September 11, 2024

All the Murmuring Bones

 All the Murmuring Bones by A.G. Slatter, 367 pages.

In times long enough ago that they have fallen into family legend, the O'Malley family made a deal with the Mer, trading one child in each generation for wealth, power, and protection from the sea. But the O'Malley family isn't what it once was and Miren O'Malley is the last true descendent, bearing the heavy burden of her family's dark history.

I really enjoyed this dark fairy tale, and I enjoyed even more discussing it with Orcs & Aliens this week! I found the characters compelling, even if it wouldn't be strictly accurate to call them good. I also liked how full and rich the world felt, and I definitely plan to read more books set in this same universe (luckily there are several). This book reminded me in many places of T. Kingfisher's Nettle and Bone, which I would consider high praise. I would definitely recommend this for people looking for a gothic novel (with a happier ending than is standard in the genre) or for people who enjoy a dark twist on fairy tales (with a sadder ending than is standard in the genre). 

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