Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Brave New World

 Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, 268 pages.

The titular brave new world comes at the end of industrialization. Society has been totally restructured to remove pain, suffering, and instability; as well as art, religion, and scientific exploration. The population is happy and, above all else, stable. The novel follows the rare few who are unsatisfied with their easy and totally challengeless life, as well as an even rarer outsider who finds this new society profoundly empty when introduced to it.

I had never read this classic novel before, and I'm really glad I finally got around to it. The book gives you a lot to think about, but very few clear answers. It feels in many ways more conversational than many classic novels. Although there is fairly little plot to speak of, I still found this an engaging little book. 

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