Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The Book of Doors

The Book of Doors by Gareth Brown, 403 pages

One night in a New York City bookstore, an old man — a regular — quietly died, leaving a mysterious book with an inscription to bookstore clerk Cassie on the table next to him. Cassie took it home and soon discovered that the book had the ability to turn any door into any other door in the world. While she was excited by the prospect of immediate inexpensive travel and the prospect of never having to use a public bathroom again, Cassie's roommate Izzy was a bit more apprehensive about this magical item. Turns out, Izzy was right, as the Book of Doors opened up a world of magical (and often dangerous) books and the people who hunt them down.

This debut novel is full of adventure, time-traveling twists, and creative solutions to magical problems. I loved Cassie's relationship with Mr. Webber (the old man who died in the bookstore), and the way that she learned about herself through the experiences with the Book of Doors. I can't wait to see what else Brown comes up with in future books!

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