Thursday, June 27, 2024

Falling in Love


Falling in Love by Donna Leon  256 pp.

Opera diva, Flavia Petrelli appeared in the very first Commissario Brunetti mystery. She returns to Venice and the 24th book in the series. She is performing at La Fenice Opera House in the lead of "Tosca." She returns to her dressing room to find it inundated with yellow roses. This has been happening during her tour across Europe. The excess has also spilled into the apartment she is using meaning the culprit knows where she is staying. The instigator is not just an avid fan, but someone obsessed and stalking her. Brunetti gets involved after a young singer whose voice Flavia had taken an interest in is attacked on the street and ends up hospitalized. The assailants words during the attack leads Brunetti to believe it is connected to Flavia's stalker. Of course, while all this is going on there are the usual problems within the police Questura/Headquarters which Brunetti and Signorina Elettra conspire to get around the evil Lt. Scarpa and who suspended  another officer thereby docking his pay. Stealth and hiding places around the stage, allow them to thwart the attempted murderer with Flavia only suffering a minor injury.

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