Monday, June 24, 2024

Technically Yours

Technically Yours by Denise Williams, 365 pages

Five years ago, Pearl left her entry-level job at a Chicago tech startup for a big career advancement in California. She also left behind Cord, the startup's cofounder and a guy with whom the simmering sexual tension was about to finally erupt into a boil. Now Pearl is back in Chicago and has found herself a job as the interim executive director of a non-profit dedicated to helping expose marginalized teens to tech career paths. And who should show up as a new board member but Cord. Can they keep their feelings for each other PG and keep things professional?

The answer to that is "definitely not," and it's frustrating as all get-out to read this walking HR scandal being pitched as a fantastic romance. These are two ostensibly smart people who do one dumb thing after another, risking her career and the great nonprofit she helps run just because they can't keep it in their pants. (Also, Cord could just step down from the board that he was pressured into being on and there would be no conflicts whatsoever.) This book made me mad, and unless you're in the mood for a good hate-read, I'd suggest avoiding it.

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