Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi

 The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi by Shannon Chakraborty, 483 pages.

Amina al-Sirafi was one of the most famous (and infamous) pirates on the Indian ocean during her colorful younger years. But ten years ago she left all of that behind to raise her daughter, after a tragedy so dark she doesn't like to think of it. That is until her family is threatened and she's pulled back in to find a kidnapped girl, with a reward so great it would change her family's life forever. Unfortunately, fortunes don't come that easy and she quickly finds herself in over her head and facing off against magic that is frankly terrifying. 

This was the epitome of an adventure book, and it was so much fun! The Islamic folklore was incorporated in a way that almost felt more like magical realism than full fantasy, and it helped the story to ride the line between very believable and larger than life. I loved all of the characters, and for the whole time I was reading this book I didn't want to be doing anything else. Highly recommend for anyone who enjoys historical fantasy, lighthearted pirate adventures, and older female protagonists who get things done. 

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