Thursday, June 27, 2024

Smoke Kings

Smoke Kings by Jahmal Mayfield, 390 pages

Two years after their friend Darius was beaten to death by a privileged white teenager (who was, of course, declared innocent of the crime), Nate, Joshua, Isiah, and Rachel are seeking justice in their own way. They're hunting down the descendants of those who committed hate crimes and are charging them reparations, which then gets turned over to minorities in need. The methods they use for this scheme is dangerous, and when a couple of kidnappings go sideways, the quartet finds themselves running from the law and an angry (and organized) group of racists.

When I started this book, I had some trouble enjoying it, as there is no strictly "good" person in the large cast of characters. I appreciated what the four kidnappers/blackmailers were trying to do, and understood their motivations, but hoo boy, were they going about it in an extreme way. HOWEVER, as the story developed, so did my understanding of their complex relationships, and I ended up really loving this book. Recommended for fans of S.A. Cosby and for anyone who's mad about the continuing state of racism in this country.

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