Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Never Rescue a Rogue

Never Rescue a Rogue by Virginia Heath (2022) 361 pages

In book two about the Merriwell sisters, set in the early 1800s, we learn that Diana Merriwell has no interest in tying herself down to a man; only she and her boss know that she is the writer of a column that investigates wrong-doers in London. They keep her identity secret to protect her, and to allow her to continue collecting information that people assume is for the newspaper's gossip column.

Meanwhile, Giles, the best friend of Diana's brother-in-law, finds himself in a bad situtation. Giles is the son of a Duke and he has the reputation of a rogue. His heritage is in doubt, which puts his inheritance and his ability to be a quiet do-gooder at risk. Diana decides to help him, since she is so good at fact-finding.

Their friends and family have been trying to get them together for a while, but they keep resisting, which leads to a number of humorous moments as they meet regularly to share progress on their project. The outcome might be somewhat predictable, but the path is filled with blockades, as well as humor.

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