Friday, May 31, 2024

Hello Stranger

Hello Stranger by Katherine Center (2023) 320 pages

Sadie's finances are tight and she lives in her art studio, which she calls her hovel. However, she has just qualified for a prestigious competition in which she needs to paint a portrait within six weeks. She's totally psyched up about it, hoping to increase her income beyond the Etsy paintings she does for a living.

However, a crisis leads to medical tests in which a brain lesion is found. She's advised to have it removed as soon as possible, to avoid seizures or even a stroke. Unfortunately, after the surgery, she has a condition called acquired apperceptive prosopagnosia, also known as "facial blindness," which often, but not always, goes away in two to six weeks. Sadie cannot recognize anyone's face; facial features are all chopped up. She's in a panic because she can't even recognize the faces of her best friend or family. Plus painting faces is how she makes her living, and how she hopes to win the substantial prize that the winner of the portrait competition will be awarded.

The story covers Sadie's panic over the facial blindness as well as her learning to navigate the world, using cues other than people's faces. Her relationship challenges include her father, stepmother, and her stepsister. And there are a couple of love interests which creep in, making for an interesting story since she cannot see the faces of the men she's interested in. As time clicks down, and her facial blindness hasn't faded, what does that mean for her future?

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