Tuesday, May 28, 2024


Bride by Ali Hazelwood, 399 pages

As the daughter of the leader of the Vampyre Council, you'd think Misery would have a pretty great life of leisure. But instead, she's spent most of her 25 years living among the Humans, first as a collateral hostage and later because she couldn't feel comfortable back in Vampyre territory. Now her ruthless and distant father is using her as another kind of hostage, marrying her off to Lowe, an Alpha for the Weres. Yup, once again, Misery is stuck in a dangerous situation in the midst of longtime enemies of her people. But this time, Misery has a motive of her own for venturing into Were territory — and while she seems to disgust her new husband, Lowe also seems to be a much kinder and more honorable person than she ever expected.

I don't really read much paranormal romance, but this seems to be a good one, and perfect for fans of the new romantasy genreblend who want a little more spice and fewer dragons. There's a degree of the annoying "oh just talk to each other already" trope that permeates this book, though the whole "our species are mortal enemies" thing explains that away pretty well. I'd only caution fans of Ali Hazelwood's other romances, which are pretty funny and free of werewolves — this one is a bit of a swerve from her past books.

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