Monday, May 20, 2024

Death in the Details

Death in the Details by Katie Tietjen, 280 pages

Maple Bishop is struggling to make ends meet following the death of her husband during World War II. She's trained as a lawyer, but hasn't been able to secure a job in her small town because she's a woman. Really, all that keeps her going are her miniatures, the dollhouse replicas of homes in her neighborhood. But when a local man turns up dead, Maple realizes that her miniatures, paired with her photographic memory, may be able to help solve the man's murder, even if the sheriff doesn't want her meddling with the investigation.

Inspired by Frances Glessner Lee — whose "nutshell" recreations of crime scenes helped give birth to modern forensic investigation — this is kind of a mystery, but it's really more of a historical fiction novel with a quirky and determined heroine. If you're a fan of Amy Stewart's Kopp Sisters series (starting with Girl Waits With Gun), this one should be right up your alley.

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