Wednesday, May 15, 2024

42 reasons to hate the universe

Bleak science humor is the focus here (with numeric apologies to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) featuring a potpourri of terrifying vignettes explained with a comedic rude attitude. Some of the essays are only to be feared/hated on a cosmological time scale and others are staring us in the face – you know, the existential threats, like climate change and nuclear annihilation. The material appears to be a compilation of reworked podcasts and blog posts by the Australian author and his collaborators, leading to a bit of redundancy and uneven quality. I’m going out on a ‘galactic’ limb and pretend that the author has an additional motive, informing the reader that the universe is complex and requires critical analysis, albeit, not too seriously. Not for the faint of heart, this explosive tome is best read in small increments – a binge is not recommended – or so says the author.

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