Monday, January 22, 2024

Something Wilder

Something Wilder by Christina Lauren (2022) 361 pages

I've been wanting to read something by the Christina Lauren duo (Christina Hobbs and Lauren Billings) for a while, and Something Wilder jumped at me. Lily Wilder, along with her best friend Nicole, are just scraping by while giving pretend treasure-hunt tours in Utah. It had been 10 years since Lily's one true love, Leo, had left, and her only wish was to get enough money to buy back the ranch that her late father, Duke, had sold in Wyoming. When she learns that the ranch is up for sale again, she wishes that the stories her dad had told about Butch Cassidy hiding his loot from a bank robbery long ago was true. Her dad spent a lot of time in Utah, searching the canyons for the treasure, and when he sold the ranch in Wyoming, that's where they lived until he died.

Meanwhile, Leo is New York, still pining because Lily never contacted him again after he left her because his mother was injured. His mother died and he stayed in New York to raise his younger sister. He writes computer code to thwart hackers and is a whiz at solving puzzles. One of his friends plans a trip for four of them to go on one of Lily's treasure hunt tours, and Leo is blindsided when he sees Lily. Likewise for her. They eventually have "the talk," the one where they discover that their separation was not wanted by either of them, but Lily can't break down her wall, not wanting to be so hurt again.

The group sets out on horseback, with minimal provisions. The guys are suffering from the rigor of the trip while the women easily handle the horses, heat, and meals. When one of the guys, Terry, goes rogue, all bets are off. Especially when it seems that the notebook filled with Duke's old maps and notes might actually show that finding a real treasure is possible after all. But danger awaits!

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