Thursday, September 3, 2020

The First Sister

The First Sister by Linden A. Lewis, 344 pages

Since humans first expanded to the planets around them hundreds of years ago, the Gaens of Earth and Mars have been warring with the Icarii of Venus and Mercury. The Gaens want the Icarii to share some of their resources, while the Icarii just want the Gaens to drop their crazy religion and allow the Icarii technology to take root in Gaen culture (and subsequently further enrich the Icarii). Against this backdrop, Icarii warrior Lito sol Lucius sets out on a new mission to upset the Gaens on Ceres (which Lito was unsuccessful in keeping in Icarii hands), with a strange new partner and plenty of pressure. Meanwhile, the mute and nameless First Sister of Gaen warship Juno finds herself unexpectedly dealing with a new captain, who is not at all what she expected. It seems inevitable that First Sister and Lito's paths will collide, but how?

This book, the first in a planned trilogy, sets up some interesting ruminations on war, peace, religion, identity, and humanity, which is quite a feat. But Lewis manages it admirably, with complex and appealing characters, as well as some truly surprising plot twists. I look forward to seeing what happens next.

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