Saturday, December 7, 2019

Quietly in Their Sleep

Quietly in Their Sleep (Commissario Brunetti, Book 6) by Donna Leon  310 pp.

The more I read this series the more I like it. Commissario Guido Brunetti is not your average police procedural character. He is for the most part a gentle man, devoted to his family, and intent on doing the best he can for the victims of crimes while concealing a toughness that will rise when needed. In this episode he is approached by a former nun who once cared for his mother in a nursing home. She has abandoned her calling due to fears that criminal actions by her superiors have caused the death of a number of patients for their inheritances. Brunetti investigates but finds no discrepancies until the woman is nearly killed. In the mean time there is the problem of his teenage daughter's religion teacher, a priest with an unhealthy attraction to young girls. Secret societies, religious fanatics, and unethical clergy combine to make this a difficult case to crack. 

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