Friday, June 28, 2019

The Descendants

The Descendants / Kaui Hart Hemmings, 283 pgs.

Matt King has big stuff on his plate.  He is the descendant of Hawaiian royalty and has, with many cousins, inherited a large amount of land.  Somehow he has the biggest vote so the decision rests with him.  A lot of money is at stake.  At the same time, his wife is in a coma following a boating accident.  He realizes he has no idea how to manage the household or his two daughters who he barely knows.  Oh yea, and then he discovers that his comatose wife had been cheating on him. Lots to deal with along with the stark realization that he certainly hasn't been the best husband or father. Now decisions have to be made.  His wife is not going to recover and will be taken off life support. The deadline for dealing with the land is looming.  Can he reconnect with his daughters and let go of the anger at his wife?  I really enjoyed this book which shows Matt struggling yet aware of his issues. 

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