Tuesday, March 8, 2016

The Core of the Sun

The Core of the Sun by Johanna Sinisalo, 306 pages. Translated by Lola Rogers.
Vera and Mira are born into a dystopian alternate-Finland, where the gender rules from H. G. Wells's The Time Machine hold sway; women are either dim-witted elois, suitable for subservient breeding, or truculent morlocks, kept out of the gene pool and destined for life of drudgery. It's also a flavorless world where alcohol, nicotine, and even chili peppers are forbidden and almost impossible to find. This is a particularly difficult world for Vera (renamed Vanna), a savvy, attractive morlock who is passing for an eloi, and who is looking for her lost sister. She is burdened, at the same time, with a strong addiction to illegal capsaicin. When Vera and her dealer / fake boyfriend meet up with the members of the Gaian Transcendental Capaicinophilic Society, some of their problems are solved, but new problems explode.
Creepy in places, and a fairly taut thriller, this Finnish genre crossing novel is one of those read-in-one sitting books. Disturbing and fun.
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