Friday, May 17, 2013


Spellcaster by Claudia Gray; young adult, paranormal, horror; 400 pages

Eighteen-year-old Nadia has always been closest to her mother, who, like Nadia possesses the gift of magic, and is training her daughter in the secret art of witchcraft.  But when her mother suddenly abandons her family, Nadia, her father and brother relocated to a small New England town, and with no teacher, Nadia gives up on ever becoming a full-fledged witch.  Then she detects a dark magic covering the town, and encounters Mateo, the last living member of a family rumored to be cursed, but who might also share a strange connection with her. 

Yeah, I know my summary is terrible.  I'm making this sound like every other teen paranormal romance, and this is really a step above most of them.  Yes, Nadia and Mateo share an instant attraction, and there's some supernatural stuff that keeps happening to bind them together.  BUT, this book is refreshingly devoid of love triangles, and just about every single character is one that I would like to learn more about (the obvious exceptions being the stock "mean girl" characters at school, but they don't really add anything to the plot, anyway).  Also refreshingly, this story ties up pretty neatly in the end.  Yes, there are very clear setups for a series, but there's no gripping cliffhanger that will make me crazy for the next year while I wait for the second book.  And the loose ends of this book are, again refreshingly, all things that I really want to know more about:  why Nadia's mom left so suddenly, Verlaine's curse (and what happened to her parents), Mateo's curse (what's the status with it now?), and WHAT'S HIDDEN UNDERNEATH THE CHEMISTRY LAB???

This was a fun book, which managed to take a subject that's been kind of beaten to death and make it fresh and interesting.  Recommended for fans of Beautiful Creatures (the book, not the movie). 

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