Monday, February 1, 2010

Booby Trap by Sue Ann Jaffarian

Booby Trap by Sue Ann Jaffarian. 314 pp.

Generally I read mystery series either because I enjoy the recurring characters (maybe sometimes the setting) or because I enjoy the plots. Both characters and plot seemed blah to me in this one. I'll probably try one more, but I don't expect to end up following this series.

1 comment:

  1. I love this series. I'm an avid fan of mystery and fell in love when I read the first book, Too Big to Miss. I like characters that have a bit of an edge, and Sue Ann's Odelia has it in spades.

    Don't write her off, she's awesome. Her Ghost of Granny Apples series is cute, humorous, and suspenseful.

    A third series is coming out this fall... can't wait!
