Wednesday, June 30, 2021

The Apocalypse Seven

The Apocalypse Seven by Gene Doucette, 384 pages

When Robbie wakes up the morning after his first college party at Harvard, the dorm is so quiet he's sure he's slept through his classes. Turns out it's quiet because nobody else is there. Everyone is simply gone, and Robbie keeps finding other strange things — crumbling buildings, empty supermarkets, overgrown plants, a TON of wildlife that usually isn't in Cambridge. When he eventually does find a few other people, they band together in a joint effort of survival and solving the mystery of what is going on.

Doucette does a pretty good job of incorporating the realities of regular people facing brutal survival situations, something that isn't always realistically portrayed. I particularly liked his inclusion of a blind woman, whose disabilities and strengths were even more pronounced in a difficult situation. That said, there are some definite problems (such as the assumption that a random public library would have a large Braille section — those books are both huge and expensive!) and a somewhat disappointing ending. The first 90% of the book is great though; just wish he could've finished as strong as he started.

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