Monday, July 20, 2020

The Worst of All Possible Worlds

The Worst of All Possible Worlds by Alex White, 528 pages

Given the title of this book and the state of the world today, it would be understandable to think this was a non-fiction book on current events. (That's certainly what Google thought when I did an image search for the cover.) Thankfully, it's not. Instead, this book is the final book in White's Salvagers trilogy, about the magically inclined, not-always-law-abiding, highly talented crew of the starship Capricious.

This volume finds the crew once again fighting through perilous worlds and situations in their final attempts to take down the power-drunk Gods of the Harrow, a cabal of powerful galactic movers and shakers intent on... well, it seems like they just want to live forever while killing other people. The important thing is the Capricious crew is intent on stopping these jerks. Along they way, they acquire a snarky new AI in the form of a supercar/tank, and manage to track down some incredible archaeological finds to help them on their quest.

While this series probably won't win any awards, I absolutely love it for the love, friendship, and snark that makes the crew a wonderful found family. Highly recommended for fans of Becky Chambers, Valerie Valdes, and Firefly.

*This book will be published July 28, 2020.


  1. I need to check this series out. Sounds a bit Firefly-ish. :-)

    1. It IS! But start with the first book in the trilogy: A Big Ship at the Edge of the Universe.
