Thursday, July 23, 2020

The Obsidian Tower

The Obsidian Tower by Melissa Caruso, 514 pages
When a book begins with a rhyming mantra about guarding a tower and repeats the line "Nothing must unseal the Door," it's a pretty safe bet that the capital-D Door will be opened somewhere in that book. Well, that's how this book start, and Caruso makes sure we don't have to wait long. Warden of Gloamingard Castle and granddaughter of the castle's immortal Witch Lord, Ryxander's broken magic kills everything it or she touches, and that apparently includes the seal upon the titular block of obsidian, which breaks open and begins unleashing hell (literally, with demons and everything) in the middle of diplomatic talks Ryx is hosting. Can Ryx keep the demons at bay, close the Door, broker peace, AND keep from killing anyone in the process? Who knows?!? But it sure is a hell of a lot of fun watching her try!

I'm a sucker for a good found-family story, and this one definitely has that, as Ryx is literally broken and thus has no friends before the Rookery (a sort of neutral magic investigation squad) turns up. It also has plenty of political intrigue (death! grievances! power struggles! potential world wars!) and the odd bit of flirty verbal sparring. Also: the craziest castle this side of Howl's moving one. This was a bunch of fun, and I can't wait to see what the second book brings when it comes out next year.

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