Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Off the clock

Off the clock: feel less busy while getting more done / Laura Vanderkam, 244 pgs.

I always enjoy Vanderkam's books even if they don't take care of all my time management issues, there is always a gem or two that make reading worth while.  In this book I particularly liked the (my phrasing) "don't spend too much time deciding about stuff that you don't really care about anyway." Give yourself 5 minutes to look at reviews to pick a restaurant.  It doesn't have to be the perfect restaurant, and it isn't likely your last supper.  Just go eat and enjoy the company.  She also applied this to bigger purchases (and smaller).  If you know someone who is into cars and liked theirs, maybe just buy the same model.  They probably did the research so save your time.  If the car you drive is super important, by all means take your time.  For the many of us, we aren't that particular.  There are other good things here and she values your time by making it pretty short and sweet.

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