Monday, September 16, 2019

Jade War

Jade War, Fonda Lee, 590 pages

Jade War is the second novel in Fonda Lee's Green Bone saga, and it picks up shortly after the first book ends, with the ensemble cast having arrived where they were headed at the end of Jade City. The story is a bit slower in pace, as the characters spend more time setting up plans and putting plans into motion, which makes sense in the context that they are realizing that their actions now have moved from impacting their local communities to being international quasi-crime bosses. The continued themes centering around the importance of family, cultures of violence, and the attended costs of belonging to a super judicial clan of Kung Fu masters. This is decidedly not light-hearted fantasy fare, as things often seem to move from bad to worse for the characters, and every action the characters take seems to come at a great personal cost. Relationships crumble, families and clans are torn apart, and the Kaul family that is at the heart of the story seem to barely hold on in each situation they end up in.

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