Monday, January 7, 2019


Fear: Trump in the White House / Bob Woodward, 428 pgs.

Woodward is always amazing and doesn't speculate but most of what is here is what you already know if you are paying attention.  If you don't have even a "West Wing" level understanding of how government works (and I'm talking about having watched the television show), and you have no interest in learning, this is how we end up.  Whatever your feelings are about the ideas coming from this administration and the policies they would like to enact, the reality is, they have no idea how to do it.  If you don't understand the basics of international trade and facts don't interest you, you might make up something that you think is good for Americans.  If you think immigrants are in top three of problems we have, you might want to stop people from coming here. But there are laws in place, systems in place, treaties and agreements, legal ramifications and you would have to understand those to effectively put a stop to immigration.  It was interesting reading about staffers who spend their time trying to focus the attention of our chief executive and play interference on short term topics that get blurted out or tweeted.  It would be nice if this ended on a hopeful note, instead it ends looking at reality. 

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