Saturday, January 21, 2017

The Intern's Handbook

The Intern's Handbook by Shane Kuhn  276 pp.

This book is written partly as a story and partly a handbook for new interns of Human Resources, Inc. is a business that supplies "special" interns to other businesses. But the interns they supply have the specialty of being hired killers. "John Lago" has been with them since he was a child "saved" from a horrific foster system by Bob, the man who runs the business. Now he is preparing for his twelfth hit and retirement from the business at the age of 25, The man who is his target is the partner of a large law firm who is selling the identities of people in witness protection. Lago gets hired on as an intern at the firm and soon his breaking all his own rules of operation including falling in love with Alice, another lawyer at the firm. Alice helps him to find his father who has been missing since Lago was born and they reconnect via phone. But it turns out Alice is actually an FBI agent and Lago discovers her dead in her apartment. The end of the story takes an unexpected turn and more people end up dead. The premise is interesting and the book is fast paced if a bit bloody. There is a sequel to John Lago's story with the possibility of it becoming a series.

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