Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Ready Player One

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline, 352 pages

In the not-too-distant future, the real world has become a vast wasteland as most of the population spends its time logged into OASIS, a fully functioning simulated world, where people can buy, sell, learn, meet up, and go on various adventures through their avatars. The story begins on the day that James Halliday, the creator of OASIS, dies without heirs, leaving his entire fortune to the first person who is able to find the Easter egg he has hidden in OASIS. Ready Player One is the story of that quest, and of one poor kid from Oklahoma who incredibly becomes a front-runner in the race.

This book is a lot of fun. It's packed with geeky references to the 1980s, everything from movies to music to classic arcade games to D&D to books and more. This should be required reading for anyone who considers him- or herself a geek. Awesome book.

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