Thursday, December 17, 2015

Lost in a Good Book

Lost in a Good Book by Jasper Fforde, 399 pages

The second book in Fforde's alternate universe literary adventure series, Lost in a Good Book finds literary detective Thursday Next dealing with the aftermath of her alteration of the end of Jane Eyre, which has earned her praise from the bibliophilic public, a series of attempts on her life, and mortal enemies from mega-company Goliath, as well as a criminal trial within the world of fiction. And in the middle of all this, she's been recruited to serve in Jurisfiction, the police force within books. Oh, and her time-traveling father has tasked her with saving the world.

It's a convoluted story to describe, but immensely fun to read (which is probably why I've read it a half-dozen times). It's a great mix of high-brow and low-brow humor (literary references to Kafka are mixed in with ridiculous puns), and Fforde has a seemingly endless creative streak when it comes to fun inventions (the footnoterphone, which makes its debut in this book, is one of my favorite creations in literature, period). So good, and I keep catching more stuff every time I read it.

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