Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Hero of Ages/Brandon Sanderson

The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson (Mistborn book 3); fantasy; 576 pages

At the end of the last book, Vin unwittingly released Ruin on the world.  Now, ash falls almost constantly, and killing mists come during the day as well as as night.  Emperor Eland hopes to unite the land so that humanity can hold on just a little longer, but Vin knows that any hope of survival means defeating Ruin.  However, Ruin's plans have been brewing for centuries, and even the Hero of Ages may not be able to stop him. 

Still loving this series!  This is definitely the bleakest of the books--it's one thing to fight and evil overlord, but what can you do when the very planet is self destructing?  There were a lot of points here where I didn't see how Sanderson could possibly save this world or its people, even though I knew he did (aside from book four, which I hope to start soon, there's the snippets of the Hero's memoirs at the beginning of each chapter, which suggests someone was still alive at least!).  The ending wasn't what I had hoped for, but it felt right, despite the loss of a few favorite characters.  I'm really hoping that Sanderson can bring back at least some of them in the fourth book, though that might be wishful thinking.  A great series for fans of epic fantasy. 

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