Sunday, August 17, 2014

Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie

Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie, 409 pages.

Leckie's Nebula Award (and now Hugo Award) winning novel about a ship that is no longer a ship. Breq, also known as Justice of Toren / One Esck, has lost almost all that she was. Justice of Toren, of which she was a part, was a massive Radchaii interstellar ship and, before it's untimely demise, it was alive, or at least represented among the living by the borrowed bodies of conquered foes. These "soldiers" were the eyes and ears of the ships main A.I. Now, with the ship gone, there is only one of those bodies, Breq,  left to figure out what has happened. The search for answers takes her across a wide swath of territory and right to the top of her society.
This is a unique and compelling story. One of the best books of the year.

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