Tuesday, December 12, 2023

The Unfortunate Side Effects of Heartbreak and Magic

The Unfortunate Side Effects of Heartbreak and Magic by Breanne Randall, 322 pages

Sadie Revelare comes from a long line of witches, going back generations in her tiny town of Poppy Meadows, and uses her powers to bake charms into the cakes, breads, and scones at the café she runs with her grandmother. As is the case with everyone else in her family, Sadie's magic comes with a curse: she will experience four increasingly-horrible heartbreaks in her life, after which she'll lose her magic entirely. When the book begins, Sadie's already two heartbreaks deep (her first love, Jake, and her twin brother, Seth, both of whom abandoned her, just like Sadie & Seth's mom did when they were infants), and she's put up a wall around her heart to keep any more from happening. But when she learns her grandmother is dying, Sadie realizes she's staring down the barrel of heartbreak number three, and is desperate to do anything she can to avoid it.

The back of this book says that it's for fans of Gilmore Girls and Practical Magic, and given the quaint small town and the family dynamics, I'd agree with that much. But overall the book is firmly in the "meh" column for me. I feel like I've seen these characters before, in all manner of media, and the plot was very predictable. (Also, even though it's set in California, it feels like it should take place in the South? Maybe that's just me.) The true indicator of my apathy toward this book though is in the fact that I remembered reading *a* book over the weekend, but I didn't remember which one it was until I pulled this one out of my bag to return it. That NEVER happens, which just speaks to its forgettability. Meh.

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