Saturday, November 25, 2023

The Fellowship of the Ring


The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien (1954) 404 Pages

One of the greatest to ever do it, in my opinion.

Frodo, a Hobbit, is given a most important task: take a magical ring essentially to the ends of world, and throw it in a volcano. He is accompanied by 8 friends, some of whom are hobbits, elf, man, wizard, and dwarf. 19 rings of power were forged. 3 for elves, 7 for the dwarves, 9 for men. The One ring was forged by Sauron at Mount Doom. "One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them" is the ominous inscription on the One ring. This magical ring is more than just pure power. It poisons the minds of those who find it. It also searches out for it's one true master, Sauron. Sauron was once defeated but is rising in power again. His minions, Orcs and other dark beings of middle earth are all prowling looking for the ring. Rumors fly that it is held by a hobbit from the Shire, they know his name. Frodo must quickly leave with his companions in order to set upon the task. At the beginning of the journey, the hobbits encounter many close calls but are saved by a man named Tom Bombadil. They get to the town Bree and receive a letter from the wizard Gandalf instructing them that a ranger named Strider is to be their guide to the elves. They are discovered by the black riders, also known as the Ringwraiths or Nazgul, who are the 9 men who were corrupted by the rings of power. Frodo is stabbed with an enchanted blade and almost perishes, but is saved and wakes up in Rivendell, where some of the elves live. Elrond, an elf uses his healing magic to save Frodo. The company turns into a council in Rivendell and debate the future of the ring. They mostly all agree that it should be destroyed and Frodo is the only one to agree to carry this dark burden into to Mordor. A company of dwarf, hobbits, elf, man and wizard mentioned earlier are tasked with helping Frodo with his task. They are now called the Fellowship of the Ring. As they leave Rivendell, they attempt crossing the Caradhras, a mountain pass, but are blocked and nearly buried by an unnatural snowstorm, and must turn back. They finally choose to go the way of Moria, the old Dwarven city and mine beneath the mountains. While in Moria, the company are set upon by orcs and a monster known as the Balrog. In order to escape, Gandalf uses all his power to defeat the Balrog but is thrown into the depths of Khazad Dun with it. The company greatly grieves the loss of the wise Gandalf but must continue on in their journey. They then make it to the forest of Lothlorien, where the beautiful Galadriel, an elf rules. She shelters them, gives them precious gifts for their journey. Because the ring itself is trying to get back to its creator, people who are near it can be affected by it's power. Boromir is feeling those effects and attempts to get Frodo to give it to him. Frodo becomes scared and puts on the ring to escape Boromir, takes a boat and decides he must go on by himself. He is almost away when his most trusted friend, Sam Gamgee chases after him in the water. Frodo and Sam continue on while the rest of the company must help them in other ways.

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