Thursday, January 12, 2023

The Golden Enclaves

The Golden Enclaves by Naomi Novik, 407 pages

Now that she's made it out of the deadly Scholomance school of wizardry (this is NOTHING like Hogwarts, mind you), El is determined to fight off the prophecy that has hounded her for years: that she would become a powerful maleificer (read: dark magic worker) who slaughters thousands. Of course, that plan must be put on hold, as El is the only wizard in the world that has the ability to kill maw mouths, the vicious creatures that are suddenly attacking magical enclaves around the world. Oh, and she has to go back into the Scholomance to kill the maw mouth that ate Orion, her star-crossed love. 

This is the third book in the Scholomance trilogy, and this one was more harder to follow and not as captivating as its predecessors. Perhaps that's because it's the first in the series that doesn't take place in the school (which was a character in itself), or maybe it's because it's been a while since I read the first two books. Whatever the case, it just didn't resonate with me in the way that Novik's other books have. 

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