Monday, March 22, 2021



Clutter: an untidy history / Jennifer Howard, 176 pgs.

Prompted by her mom moving to an assisted living facility, the author finds herself with a two year clear out her mom's home.  Yes, she knew her mom had a problem but realizing the time and energy it would take to clear things out sent her down the path of finding out more.  How do so many of us find ourselves in this situation?  How can you work your way out of it? How has "decluttering" and "minimalist living" become huge industries?  Part of it is human nature, of course.  Part is society and the was we have learned to live with so many things.  I could relate so much to the authors feelings of guilt and horror while confronting the "stuff" while being overwhelmed. This book actually made me feel better about it all.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for reading CLUTTER and blogging about it! And I am so glad the book made you feel better about the collective struggle with stuff. It's real!
