Thursday, January 21, 2016

Our souls at night

Our souls at night / Kent Haruf, 179 pgs.

Addie and Louis are two lonely people.  Both have lost their spouses years ago and are currently casual acquaintances.  Addie stops by to visit Louis and proposes a relationship of sorts.  He can come over to her house and they will sleep together and talk.  This just to minimize their loneliness.  Louis accepts and we read about the awkward beginnings of their new relationship.  After dinner, he walks to Addie's house and they have a drink, talk and then head to bed.

Although I found this book to be remarkable, amazingly little happens.  Addie's son is having marital problems so Addie takes care of her grandson for the summer.  She, Louis and the grandson go camping.  Addie takes a neighbor to the grocery store. We learn about Addie and Louis' history through there conversations.

Haruf writes in a very simple and straight forward manner.  I found that I could not put this book down despite the lack of action.  Addie and Louis seem like people you might know, or might become.

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