Tuesday, January 12, 2016

City of Glass

City of Glass by Cassandra Clare, 541 pages

The third book in the Mortal Instruments series finds the Shadowhunters gathering in the titular city of glass, Alicante, ancestral home of the Nephilim (uber-powerful angel-descendants) that include most of the main characters in this series. The evil Valentine is gaining power and has threatened to summon demons to destroy the city and the Nephilim. My description of this book isn't really doing it justice, though that's probably because it's the third book in a series and I don't want to give away anything that might spoil the first two. I will say that had Cassandra Clare not decided to write another one after this, City of Glass would have been a good end to the series; that said, I'm happy to keep reading about Clary, Jace, and their supernatural crew.

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