Tuesday, February 28, 2023

A Question of Belief


A Question of Belief (A Commissario Guido Brunetti Mystery) by Donna Leon 262 pp.

Venice is in the throes of a heat wave and all the Commissario wants to do is go on a vacation with his family to the mountains where it is cool and he can relax. But first he has to deal with a suspicious pattern of increased inefficiency in a court system that is inefficient at best. And Brunetti's colleague, Inspector Vianello, has a personal concern about his aunt who has suddenly expressed an expensive interest in astrology. These two problems get rudimentary attention before vacation time arrives. Brunetti and his family board a train for the mountains while Vianello sails off to his holiday in Split, Croatia. Brunetti manages to get half way to his destination when he is called back to Venice for a murder investigation while his family continues on. Vianello also returns and the two battle the heat while trying to find the murderer. 

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