Monday, October 5, 2020

A Deadly Inside Scoop

A Deadly Inside Scoop by Abby Collette, 375 pages

Bronwyn Crewse has just taken over the family ice cream parlor and is preparing to reopen after a massive renovation when she discovers a dead body by the falls behind the shop. When it turns out that the deceased has a rocky history with her family, Bronwyn's father becomes a suspect, and Bronwyn is on the hunt to clear his name and catch the real killer. But can she do it while getting the ice cream parlor back up and running?

A cozy mystery and an ice cream parlor? This book was calling my name. Collette has created a winning heroine with a family full of strong supporting characters, and a pretty darn believable plot. Bonus points for having a young Black woman at the center of a cozy mystery, which is almost so rare as to be unheard of. An excellent start to what will hopefully be a long and fruitful series.

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