Tuesday, August 6, 2024

The Ornithologist's Field Guide to Love

The Ornithologist's Field Guide to Love by India Holton, 361 pages

Beth is a young but distinguished ornithologist, splitting her time between teaching at Oxford and tracking down dangerous and rare magical birds. She's about to grab just such a specimen when the dashing (and annoying) Devon Lockley literally swoops in and nabs the bird right from under her fingers. But when a competition to become Birder of the Year (and gain tenure) through capturing a particularly elusive bird is announced, Beth and Lockley find themselves forming the most unlikely of teams... and discover that they don't dislike each other as much as they thought.

This book is just as silly as that previous paragraph implies, and while it's not going to win any awards, it was a fun way to spend an afternoon. I actually think this would be better served as a campy B movie, perfect for a rainy afternoon — it just has that vibe — though I'm not sure the Victorian era in which it's set would translate well to film. Oh well, just read it and giggle.

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