Saturday, August 24, 2024

No Longer at Ease

No Longer at Ease by Chinua Achebe, 194 pages

No Longer at Ease is the third book chronologically in The African Trilogy, though it was the second one written. Set during the final days of British colonial rule of Nigeria, the book follows Obi Okonkwo, grandson of the protagonist of Things Fall Apart, as he returns to Nigeria after four years studying in England. It's an awkward reintroduction, as Obi fumbles his way through conflicting cultures and finds a job working in the colonial government civil service. As he settles into the job and tries to figure out his relationship with his fiancée, Obi's experiences are both specific to the era and place, and universal (who among us didn't deal with money woes in their 20s?). It's a fascinating read, and an excellent end to our 2024 Big Book Challenge.

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