Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Lex Talionis

 Lex Talionis by R.S.A. Garcia (2014) 354 pages

I read a science-fiction short story by R.S.A. Garcia that I liked well enough to seek out a full-length novel written by her. Lex Talionis is a fairly common title. It means Law of Revenge. This Lex Talionis is sci-fi noir. There are quite a few characters to keep track of, and the story leaps between locations and times. It is not impossible to follow, but it is challenging. The structure of the story doesn't always make sense, but it maintains a veil of mystery. Our main character is a genetically enhanced teenager. We meet her as she recovers in a hospital from major physical and mental abuse. She does not remember who she is, nor any of her background. She chooses to go by the name Lex until she recovers her memories. A doctor questionably falls in love with her, cops unenthusiastically begin investigating, and a strange alien creature shows up who is telepathically linked with her. There are flashbacks and flashforwards as the mystery of Lex is gradually revealed to the reader. The desert planet where she was raised brought to mind clips from the trailers of the new Dune movies. The hierarchical military culture is heavily based on revenge. The tv show Firefly also sprung to mind at times, although the show's humor was not present here. When we reach the point where we find out what led to her hospital stay, the sexual abuse is graphic and could be triggering. A tale of revenge can be satisfying, but only leads to more violence, and the end leaves a few mysteries unanswered.

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