Thursday, August 10, 2023

You Lucky Dog

You Lucky Dog by Julia London (2020) 338 pages

Carly Kennedy and Max Sheffington did not know each other. But when their dogs got swapped by someone returning them to their homes because the dog-walker was indisposed, Carly and Max finally met. But not right away, because the dog-walker was in jail. Finding out who had which dog was not easy.

This was a cute "dogs bring people together" story. But between their work life, with Carly struggling financially after a layoff from her publicity firm, hoping to land a job in New York City, and with Max trying to overcome the final hurdles to reach tenure as a neuroscientist at his university in Texas, the stars were not cooperating. And their families were also a contributing factor in the difficulties of becoming a couple. This is an understatement!

This was a light, but engaging afternoon read. The dogs were as compelling as the people characters, which added to the charm.

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