Sunday, August 16, 2020

Abaddon's Gate

Abaddon's Gate by James S. A. Corey, 566 pages.

So, the third book of the Expanse series takes us into some new territory.  Sure, Fred Johnson, Bobbie, and Avrasala are back, and Miller is too, in an altered form, anyway, but the solar system, the galaxy, and maybe the universe are all altered.
Everyone, the new and the old, in this volume are heading out to the Ring, the latest project from the beings that brought you the protomolecule, and the thing that lets everyone know that things are now a bit different.
Mostly it's the crew of the Rocinante again, at least half of the time, letting us see what is going on. They're really solid characters by this time and they're back to try and accidentally save humanity again. Julie Mao, the young-woman-turned-protomolecule-vector isn't really present, but because of her, younger sister Clarissa makes her debut.  There are lots of twists and turns, with interesting characters and a believable universe. An interesting book in a really enjoyable series.

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