Sunday, September 14, 2014

Swimming Studies

Swimming Studies / Leanne Shapton 320 pgs.

Leanne Shapton writes about swimming from her serious competitive days when she was in the running a the Olympic trials but did not make the team to her lifelong pursuit of swimming as a form of exercise, a time for meditation and a source of relaxation.  This is sort of a memoir of swimming around the world, what it means to be weightless in the water, powerful in the pool, feeling lost in open water. Swimming has been an important part of the author's life almost forever.  Like other athlete's stories that I've read, she touches on but does not overwhelm with the motivation to train, the need to compete and win through the pain.  The dedication to sport takes away many opportunities for other activities.  There is a price to being good and getting better and it isn't easy to know when to move on with your life. 

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