Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Get up!

Get up! Why your chair is killing you and what you can do about it / James A. Levine 234 pgs.

I picked up this book thinking it would be another one of those "you should do THIS to solve all your problems" but then give some action plan that would require devoting your life to accomplish.  Instead, this is incredibly fun to read.  James Levine has studied obesity throughout his career and has had FUN doing it.  He shares all kinds of personal stories and insights and they will make you laugh.  He also tells you how to improve your NEAT - non-exercise activity thermogenesis.  These are the calories you expend just living your life.  These days that life includes a LOT of chair time.  Dr. Levine says we can make a huge difference by just standing up.  Get out of the chair and life a longer happier life.  Seems like a pretty decent trade off.

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